Friday, August 9, 2013

Sometimes we need a little encouragement...

My mother-in-law called me a few days back and wanted to share with me some things she believes the Holy Spirit was speaking to her about. I was busy making lunches and going through my daily routine that I normally don't like to be interrupted, but I put my things down and gave her my attention because she's a special person in my life and she deserves that much. Plus who doesn't want to hear what God is saying?? I know God speaks to her and it's not a hokie thing. She spends much time in the Bible and has a prayer life that would put us all to shame, so when she says to me, "Alysa, the Lord showed me something", you give your attention.

She began talking about encouragement and how just encouraging someone, even if you can find 100 things wrong with them and only one thing right, encourage that one thing! That's how He draws us closer to Him, and that's exactly how we can draw others in the same way. I started to meditate, or think, about what she was saying and I could remember so many times that I was getting down on myself about not teaching a subject as well as I could have, or praying in the middle of the day instead of the morning. And as sure as I would be thinking some stupid thought about how I wasn't doing well enough someone would encourage me in that very thing, whether it was in person, a text or a phone call, sometimes we even get notes in the mail from members that just want to say thank you. I am beginning to see that God is wanting to encourage me to keep going, and not grow weary in my well doing. It made me extremely happy to know that the Creator of all we know and see cares enough about me to see that I'm encouraged in my works for Him!

So then I always think about how we are made in His image and follow His example, so I started to think about the people in my life that could use a bit of encouragement in their ministry or just their daily walk with Jesus and sent them some encouraging words. The response was more than expected and I knew He was using me to do the very thing I had realized He wants to do for me, to keep discouragement away and stop the seeds being planted that Satan means to disrupt my life and ministry. You see if we are confident in Him and ourselves to be able to do what He asks then the devil has no foothold. If we're always down on ourselves then he will have a place to bring doubt and stop the good works we are doing. But God is never down on us so who are we to be down on us?? Are we better than Him? NO! Do we knowmore about ourselves than He does? NO! He knows more about us than we know about us, and He says He has a plan to prosper us and keep us safe and give us a future and a  hope. (Jer. 29:11)

Let's do that!! Otherwise the devil's plan is destruction. Don't let him steal from you and lie to you!

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